SMIT Anton

Stream of Consciousness

Original sculpture in bronze

Anton Smit intends to work on similarities and the communion of beings, which from his point of view is all corollary, and the three monumental faces in Stream of Consciousness are all facets of the same human world.

The serenity they exude is almost supernatural; the three faces, identical in morphology, express similar yet quite different sensations.

These faces also act as a filter for the landscape bathed in light. You can see through them separately, but never better than together.
They are clearly designed to form a community, inviting us to look beyond the superficial and contemplate the sensitive world in which we look every day.

Discover the works of Anton Smit at the Galerie Montmartre.
The gallery ensures the delivery of the works to your home thanks to its historical partners around the world.

availability :

size : 299 × 133 × 98 cm

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